I believe that loving yourself can take many different forms and that most people will have a different view on what loveing ones self really looks and feels like. Loving yourself could be doing physical things like exercise, eating well and taking care of your looks. And it could be psychological or emotinoal things like the way you think about yourself and the way you feel about yourself. All ways of loving yourself are the perfect approach.
I have my belief that there are seven areas of life and we are constantly working at balancing them and loving ourselves in them. The seven areas are spirituality, relationships, health, career, family, finances and mindset. In each of these areas we constantly seek ways to love ourselves and you may be working on one area while another person may be working on another. Your results in life will be determined by your focus and the direction you place your attention. Consider what results you want to achieve in life and notice what you have been focusing on and begin to focus on what you truly want.
In considering your focus and where you place your attention, are you getting what you truly desire out of life? Are you loving yourself in a way that is condusive to the life you want to lead? Always know that love is ever present and there is an abundance of it. If you are feeling uloved, try to find that love within yourself and notice how different you will begin to feel about yourself in doing so.
Love is something that isn't talked about by a lot of people and families. It is sometimes a taboo subject that is pushed under the carpet. Do you tell people you love them and let them know that you care? Remember here that different people show love in different ways. Some may give gifts, others speak it out loud, some may be touchy feely and the list of options goes on. Get to know how you like to be loved and let others know that is the way you know you are loved.
Friday, 8 July 2011
In life it is important to choose your career wisely. It’s where you spend most of your time so why not make the most of it. So often we do jobs and things that we do not love or are not leading us in the direction we really want to go. Be clear on what you want and where you are going in life and you won’t fall into the plans of someone else. Know your outcomes and walk the path of your career with power and grace. Sometimes we need to do things that we don’t really like but if you focus on the bigger picture, you will quickly find that things aren’t that bad and as you are walking in the direction you truly wish to go you can put your mind at ease. What can you do today to begin to walk in the direction you truly want to go. What small steps do you want to take today to lead you in the direction of your true passion in life?
We are always relating no matte what! So it’s important to notice how you relate on a day to day basis with other people. Relationships aren’t just with the opposite sex in an intimate relationship, they are something that we have with many many different people in our lives. If you want to improve your relationships, think about who you are showing up as with other people. What that means is, consider your thoughts about people, your inner beliefs about connection and what your soul is saying to you in each interaction with others. Often in our soul we are craving the connection with other people to cause us to do things and act out to get attention. This may not always be a positive acting out, it may be negative behaviour to get someone’s attention. Who are you showing up as in relationships and what are your inner most thoughts about relationships?
How’s your health going? It is something that requires focus and determination for some of us and something that comes easily for others. Taking care of yourself is something that is important for our wellbeing on all levels. Do you have fitness goals? If so, great and if not, what goals can you make today? When setting your fitness goals, make sure they are realistic and achievable. Often we put pressure on ourselves to do things harder or faster than is humanly possible. In setting your goals, be sure to make the decision on what you want, commit to that and take action in a grounded and fun way!
It is so important to balance your masculine and feminine so you can be who you truly want to be in this life. Over the years with the Feminist movement and more and more independent women, we generally have become more masculine to be able to get things done. There is financial success, career success, balancing career and children and simply doing it all. Now, it’s imporatant not to blame the Feminists or anyone else for this, it has all served it’s purpose in the grand scheme of things especailly in freeing women to be able to make choices. The thing is, this masculinisation has caused many rifts in relationships with men and women (all types of relationships) and has caused women to tire and be worn out from the constant pressure and the confusion. So, where do you sit in this balancing act of masculine and feminine? Do you struggle to feel like a woman and tap into the inner girl? I have found over the years that it is imperative to do the things that make you know you are a woman. Often harboring old issues and the past can be a cause of a woman’s masculinisation and to dampen the feminine glow. What are you going to do today to allow your inner woman to shine and balance your life in love and inner peace?
Beautiful You
You are a beautiful feminine being and it is your natural way of being that causes you to be able to attract all the things you love in this world. It is your inner light that shines brightly from your soul that radiates the love and attraction that really counts. It does not matter what your body looks like, it does not matter what colour your hair is or what clothes you wear. What matters is who you truly are and who you show up as in this life. What that means is you are just perfect as you are knowing that you have the power to make changes in your life if you choose. It means that you are the one who is in charge of your life therefore your results and if you show up as that woman who is taking responsibility for your life, you will shine brightly. You will be able to create all that you are on this earth to create and you will be able to do the things that you really want to do. Femininity is your natural way of being and it is the key to your inner knowingness. Balancing your masuculine and feminine is the secret to the miracles and creating results in your life.
Often in life we place conditions on others and expect them to live by our values… what if everyone has their own set of values and the most powerful thing to do is allow each and every person to live by their values. Do you find yourself judging others for the way they look, the things they do, or don’t do? What about yourself? Do you judge yourself for all those things? You wouldn’t be human if you weren’t judging things, it’s how you choose to deal with that judgement that counts. Some people beat themselves up or ridicule others. Unconditional love is when you can love all aspects of another human being and the world putting all judgement aside, to just be. The only person harmed by judgement is you no matter whether judging yourself or others. You have to live with yourself so what are you going to choose to do? What if you could love the positive and negative in others? How would your life be different?
Welcome to my blog, this is a place where you can enjoy yourself and sit back and learn to love yourself just the way you are. Loving yourself is a constant journey of discovery and with each and every event in your life you are drawn closer to who you truly are. It is my belief that we are all searching for love in the sense of true love as the person we truly are. So, how do we know who we truly are? That is the perfect question that only you can answer. Love is about the unconditional and ever evolving aspects of life. It is the ever present knowing of something greater than us that causes miracles to occur. As we are drawn closer to love, we shine brighter in the knowingness of the true self. As you open your eyes to a divine order, you begin to see that everything happens for a reason and you are the master of your destiny.
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