Friday, 8 July 2011


It is so important to balance your masculine and feminine so you can be who you truly want to be in this life.  Over the years with the Feminist movement and more and more independent women, we generally have become more masculine to be able to get things done.  There is financial success, career success, balancing career and children and simply doing it all.  Now, it’s imporatant not to blame the Feminists or anyone else for this, it has all served it’s purpose in the grand scheme of things especailly in freeing women to be able to make choices.  The thing is, this masculinisation has caused many rifts in relationships with men and women (all types of relationships) and has caused women to tire and be worn out from the constant pressure and the confusion.  So, where do you sit in this balancing act of masculine and feminine?  Do you struggle to feel like a woman and tap into the inner girl?  I have found over the years that it is imperative to do the things that make you know you are a woman.  Often harboring old issues and the past can be a cause of a woman’s masculinisation and to dampen the feminine glow.  What are you going to do today to allow your inner woman to shine and balance your life in love and inner peace?


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