Monday, 29 August 2011

Love Individuality

When someone does something to you, do you put all people who are similar into the one box?  For example, is everyone who looks like Osama Bin Laden a terrorist?  Are all men untrustworthy?  Are all girls bitchy?  Are all people who have a certain culture a certain way?

It can be so easy to stereotype people and put them into a box when all people are different.  Could you begin to see that each individual does things according to their own values and what is important to them.  Could  you accept all cultures and human beings for their individuality? Within a culuture there are other cultures and within that there are smaller groups and then individuals.  To stereotype them all as a certain way, we limit our experience and condemn people to being that way.

People can become the way we see them or they will rise up in defiance of the way they are being seen.  This all depends on the individual and their response to being judged.  If we are positive and see people as pure potential and possibility we allow them the chance to be just that!  If we see them negatively and condemn them then that is all they have to live up to in your experience.  What you affirm in your life, will eventually come true so be aware of what you are affirming about other people and love them just the way they are!  Some people may disappoint you but wouldn't you rather expect the best!

In summary, people can only be for you the way you allow them to be.  If you look at all men as untrustworthy then that is what they will become for you.  If you look at them as individuals who can be trustworthy, you begin to attract the ones you truly want.  If you look at cultures as interesting and something you can learn from then that is what you will get.  Your focus determines your outcome so what are you choosing to focus on today?


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