Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Behavioural Patterns

Behaviour is usually determined by a combination of conscious and subconscious thought patterns.  The question is, are your patterns of behaviour working for you?  It is said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. 

It can sometimes feel like you are beating your head against a brick wall, feeling the pain and knowing that it will hurt and it won't get you what you want but you can't help but keep on doing it.  In reflection it seems silly and gets frustrating but before you realise it you do it again. You ask yourself why you did it again and get annoyed with yourself for being so stupid and then spiral into a negative state focusing on a lifetime of failure blaming the world thinking you were dealt a horrible life. 

What drives a person to do this?  Often it is because the person is not aware that there is another way or has not deleved into the subconsious to establish the underlying patterns of behaviour. Or you can see the pattern but have not made a decision or taken action toward paving a new path and pattern of behaviour.  You are the architect of your life and have the ability to create outcomes that work for you and are in the direction of what you truly want in life.

Nobody on the planet is immune to these patterns, the difference is what you do when faced with the inevitable challenge of an undesireable outcome.  Do you throw in the towel and think that it's your destiny to have a frustrating life of failure or do you take on the challenge, seek help and do what it takes to turn things around?  It is not always an easy task to realise that if you do what you've always done, then you will get what you have always gotten and to shift your focus toward success and having faith in your ability to create what you want.

Also consider that a negative pattern of behaviour has a payoff and can often be serving a purpose that may actually at some level be positive.  Sabotage or failure can be very frustrating but at the end of the day, you may be protecting yourself from something, or in your gut/heart know that something isn't right for you or the timing is not right.  Every relationship or connection is possible to redeem and every situation can be turned around.  Making things right or wrong or good or bad can be debilitating but being grateful for the experience and lessons you learn from old patterns helps you to find the gift in every experience.


Unknown said...

This is awesome! So well written, and never truer words. That is a really amazing piece.

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