Friday 8 July 2011


Welcome to my blog, this is a place where you can enjoy yourself and sit back and learn to love yourself just the way you are.  Loving yourself is a constant journey of discovery and with each and every event in your life you are drawn closer to who you truly are.  It is my belief that we are all searching for love in the sense of true love as the person we truly are.  So, how do we know who we truly are?  That is the perfect question that only you can answer.  Love is about the unconditional and ever evolving aspects of life.  It is the ever present knowing of something greater than us that causes miracles to occur.  As we are drawn closer to love, we shine brighter in the knowingness of the true self.  As you open your eyes to a divine order, you begin to see that everything happens for a reason and you are the master of your destiny.


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