Thursday 31 January 2013

The Power of Now...

This is about living in the moment and also making the most of every moment.  It is not about sitting on a mountain meditating hoping for the universe to provide, it is about looking into yourself, discovering your own path and taking inspired action toward what you want in life...
“The Chaos Theory”
Do you find yourself over thinking things or going into a spin in your mind over a certain situation? You know the times where you over analyse things, over react and dramatise turning it into something it may not currently be but in creating the chaos in your head it actually ends up playing out in reality?  I often wonder why we might do this and create so much pain and frustration for ourselves.  How come what could seem like a fabulous, amazing and perfect opportunity turns upside down, becomes complicated and almost unbearable?  You know the times where you look back at certain situations and wonder what the heck just happened and how on earth did you end up in the mess that lay before you?  At times you wonder if you are the living example of pure chaos in some areas of life but have no idea how you got there or what to do about it.
In life it is impossible to avoid drama, tragedy, over analysing or chaos completely and to think you will have a 100% consistently smooth life you will be bitterly disappointed.  It is how you deal with this time that truly depicts the outcome of any situation, frequency of drama and ultimately enables you to be in control of the only thing you can be in life... yourself!!   
So what is occurring in these times of chaos and drama?  To be honest, there are so many different points of view and depending who you talk to their opinion will vary according to psychological, spiritual, metaphysical or personal experience.  For example, it is common in some new age spiritual approaches to say it is the “Ego” that creates sabotage, self righteousness, chaos and negativity.  And spirit that brings good and happiness into the world.  In this realm the “Ego” can be suggested as only a negative thing and a place that is not recommended to operate from.  However, in Freud’s approach to psychology the “Ego” is simply an aspect of the mind that evaluates and remembers information from the external world both positive and negative.  He describes it as the CEO that governs, controls and regulates the personality.  Some try to get rid of ego while others embrace it... neither are right or wrong of course and those who live by each principle will create different outcomes based on a basic aspect of psychology... their values!
“Square pegs don’t fit into round holes”
The simple way to describe values is to say that they are a subconscious hierarchy of things that are important to you.  They (accompanied by beliefs) are the driving force behind your decisions, behaviours and non-behaviours that determine your outcomes in life.  Some people are conscious of their values while others are oblivious to what they are and sometimes values can shift or change either over time or as a result of a significant life event.  Values are vital in relationship to your quality of life, so much so that when you are living by your true values your life becomes a lot smoother, consistent and easier to manage.  Some would call this living in your “Flow”.  Living according to your true values therefore enables you to be able to deal with the normal challenges of life more gracefully and powerfully whilst maintaining self control.  Are you wondering how this directly relates to living in the moment and “The Power of Now”?  It has been said that at times where we try to mould ourselves or change/adapt to external situations, other people’s wants for us or try to change to be like another person’s values we will naturally, subconsciously create chaos.  For example, in relationships (romantic, professional or friendships) rather than accepting one’s self or others wholly for the individuals you are, often people try to change themselves, adapt to the other person’s interests/opinions/expectations or expect others to do the same.  Sometimes situations and people simply are not a match but we try to force it to be right, change ourselves and put up with things that lower our self worth, self value and self esteem.  I believe that finding a balance and co-creating is very important but trying to change yourself or others will only end in tears, resentment and eventually a breakdown in the relationship.  It is possible for completely opposite sets of values to co-exist in harmony with the presence of acceptance, commitment to an outcome, communication of needs and understanding of self and others.  If you are a square peg trying to fit into a round hole and feel like you have lost yourself it’s important to place a positive meaning on your situation and maybe seek professional help, determine your true values and make gradual adjustments toward the life you truly want...It is all perfect and you are right where you need to be!
“Get out of your head and get into your life”
Have you ever heard of the term “Paralysis by analysis”?   Most often this concept is the by-product of subconscious fear of either failure, success, rejection or a myriad of things.  It can be when a person spends more time thinking or talking about something and going over and over in their mind about what it means, what to do, what not to do, what they should do and then asking their friends for their opinion.  This then  confuses the situation even more because your friends tell you what they would do and at the time you may not realise that your friends, although are trying to help, are only speaking from their own values, past experiences or some good self help book they read.  Which can of course be helpful at times but at other times it feels like your head is spinning and you now have 100 possible actions to take in your head plus the 20 others your friends kindly provided.  Fully loaded with options you then go ahead and either do something you look back and think was stupid or mull over it and do nothing at all. You wonder why some situations are a mess or you aren’t getting any results at all causing a spiral of frustration with yourself for not getting anywhere.  This then sends you into a state of self analysing and soul searching on how you can fix the situation or yourself so things will one day work out.  I think I am pretty safe to say we have all been there at some point, I know I most certainly have especially being slightly analytical by’s important to accept that it’s not right or wrong, it is a part of life. So what can you do about it?  This brings me back to getting to know your values and yourself.  It’s about trusting in your ability to express your true self in any given moment knowing that any decision you make or action you take is a learning experience and a step toward what you want regardless of the outcome.  It is about mindfulness, sitting in silence and asking yourself what it is that you want to do in a situation and going with a combination of your heart, intuition and rational mind.  I am not talking about a path to enlightenment as much as I am speaking of getting to know your wants, needs and desires to make clear decisions, commit to them and taking inspired action creating the results and outcomes you are working toward.  Success breeds success and those who reach their goals may fall down 4 times but they pick themselves up, dust themselves off and get up that 5th time.
“Confusion precedes understanding”
This can sometimes be a difficult concept to grasp because times of confusion can be frustrating, debilitating and often feel like failure.  Consider for a moment that a time of confusion could simply be that you are not acting in alignment with your values and you are being shown that in the form of undesired results or outcomes.  It is important to embrace this inevitable concept with open arms and accept that you are being shown something about yourself and your life.  Keep it very simple and see it for the opportunity it is to learn what you want or don’t want in life, look within yourself for an answer and action plan based on your heart, intuition and rational mind which in combination are a wonderful formula for inspiration.  Take action with confidence, power and the willingness to deal with things both positive and negative as they arise.  I believe it is better to have put yourself out there and taken a risk than to live a life wondering ‘what if?’.
“Accept the things you cannot change and have the courage to change the things you can”
All you can do is your best to be self aware and recognise times where you may need to withdraw a little, deal with challenges, be silent and re-focus on the things that are important to you.  Let go of the need to change others or external circumstances and place your focus on living the best life you possibly can from within.  Running away in your mind can cause separation from others therefore loneliness and dissociation from reality.  Wherever you go, you are still there!!  Getting into your heart and soul to the place of love and gratitude is a journey and takes commitment and an extraordinary amount of acceptance of yourself and others.  You may need to let go of some people and things that are not healthy for you and there are other people and things that you may want to draw more into your life.  It is a constant never ending evolving journey and it is important to just “BE”.... followed by “DO” then “HAVE”...

Monday 21 January 2013

True Beauty...

I want to start by saying I aim to look as beautiful, hot and sexy on the outside as I feel on the inside... but first I must make it all about what is truly on the inside to create true and lasting beauty. 

As a woman in the 21st century it can be very easy to think that external beauty will get you love, everything you want and solve all of your problems.  We often hold in our mind a self constructed image of the woman we want to be like who is “ideal”.  She has complete inner peace, a great personality with no drama, all men want her and she gets the good jobs while somehow naturally having a great body without any hard work.  We compare ourselves to this imaginary “ideal” woman and she is a constant reminder of what we think we should look or be like but never seem to be able to achieve it.  We either strive to be her with obsessive focus on yoyo diets, beauty treatments or plastic surgery.  Or on the other hand some throw in the towel and stick it up her for putting so much pressure on them and totally let go in an act of rebellion.  Regardless, we think that one day when we look like that life will be complete and we will be “there”... you know that place?  Where you have reached the pinnacle of your life, everything is absolutely perfect.  You have reached enlightenment with all deep issues resolved; your body, relationship, health and career are all perfect with nothing left to work on?  It is possible right??  Come on girls, let's get real....
To be honest it is tiring just writing about it and don’t get me wrong I do believe anything realistic is possible but when did we decide to put so much pressure on ourselves? I mean, not always but the majority of the time, without some serious plastic surgery and a complete makeover that would cost an absolute fortune, the imaginary “ideal” woman hardly ever looks like what is realistic for us.  Deep in our hearts we know what is the unique expression of us yet choose to focus on this “ideal” woman who is the bain or our existence and we become our own biggest critic.  So who is to blame for this ideal?  Is it magazines, movies, television, school yard bullying, the hot chick at school or family pressure?  That’s what society says is the issue and whose fault it is right?  They say it’s because of all the skinny, tanned, perfect models and Hollywood stars that are to blame for the negative body image epidemic causing eating disorders and low self esteem?  It seems like the logical answer, however is blaming something else an empowering perspective that will get you what you want in life?
You are responsible but it’s not your fault...
The mind is a powerful thing and the avoidance of responsibility and blaming external circumstances for a situation can often be the very thing that keeps a person stuck in an unwanted position in life.  With the time and energy it takes to point the finger, complain and make excuses, a person could have written down some goals, gone for a gym session and taken numerous constructive actions toward a desired outcome.  Spending valuable energy coming up with all the reasons why you haven’t or why you can’t perpetuates feelings of helplessness.  It diminishes self confidence disempowering yourself by not keeping your promises or sticking to your goals.   Is an inability to succeed or accept yourself wholly really the fault of the media, models, friends, parents, past or that there is not enough time in a day?  You have the power to choose to focus on blame or spend your energy moving forward in life.  All things in life are a choice including your perception of the world.  Do you blame the world or are you responsible for your thoughts, feeling, emotions, actions, non actions and outcomes in life?  All is perfect and wherever you are is right where you are meant to be.
We live in the real world right?  So in saying all this I want to express that I do agree due to external factors there can be social pressure to be a certain way, do certain things and have certain things in life.  It’s what you make it mean that counts.  Also, having a positive outlook doesn’t take away the fact of life that there can be nasty people out there who may say things about others, their body and image that may hurt.  Yes, these people are projecting their opinions onto others... but you DO NOT need to take it on as your truth and feel free to remove these people from your life.  Let go of the ideal of traditional perfection....There will be times you have setbacks, make excuses, blame others and compare yourself as you are only human.  It is up to you to catch yourself out doing this, own it, learn from it and turn it around.  You decide in every moment what results you want and what you make things mean.
“When the voice and vision on the inside are more clear, profound and loud than the opinions on the outside you have mastered your life” Dr John De Martini
Consider for a moment how it feels to be able to love your body and life as it is while working toward your own personal ideal shape, size and lifestyle?  Some of you may be completely content with your life (I haven't met anyone yet who is totally happy with absolutely everything).  For those who want some change, feel the sense of self satisfaction knowing you reached your ideal weight or dress size?  How does it look? What do you say to yourself? How is it to be wearing your clothes and hair as a unique expression of your own personal taste?  What if you could create a special relationship of your own based on a deep soul connection with physical attraction as a bonus?  Imagine creating your dream career?  Were you to release all expectations based on external pressures, opinions and reasons what is it that you would truly decide to create for yourself?  It is said that people who set intrinsic (internal) goals based on their true values and aspirations are the ones who not only reach their goals, they sustain them long term.  And those who do not listen to external opinions that drag them down but make their own internal self talk and decisions are more likely to achieve lasting results.  Based on this, you can strive for anything you choose and especially to look the way you want.  Be sure to set goals that will stretch you and reaffirm that you can achieve above and beyond anything you thought you ever could.  Sometimes when you set a goal and are forging a new habit it can feel unnatural and not in alignment with your true values due to the fact that change often brings up limiting thoughts, resistance, self doubt and the revelation of all the excuses you may have been making.  Seeking help and mentoring through this period can be invaluable and provide accountability.  By making a shift in your mindset while taking congruent inspired action you will achieve things you never originally thought possible.
You are perfect, enough, lovable, worthy and accepted just the way are...
In closing I want to share with you the most important aspect of beauty.  Inner beauty is the thing that the important people in your life will always remember about you.  It is the thing that most often causes authentic attraction and shines the light of happiness into the world.  It is your genuine inspiration, confidence and sense of purpose that has the largest impact and makes the biggest difference in the lives of others.  Physical beauty is important if it is important to you and always remember it’s a fact of life that the physical fades yet your inner beauty only increases with age and wisdom.  Be sure to invest just as much time nurturing your mind, spirit and soul.  Always know that loving all aspects of yourself is an ongoing journey and you are magnificent, beautiful and divinely perfect just the way you are.  Believe in yourself and what may seem impossible can be possible.  I promise someone else has done it before and you are never alone.  Shifting your thinking or behaviour is completely up to you and the only promise I make to you is that following your heart and living by your own true values will be an ongoing choice that comes with setbacks and success and will be a process that continues for the rest of your life.  You will at times have to work hard for it.  I’m not saying it will be easy but I am saying it will be worth it... because you are!!

Sunday 20 January 2013

All The Single Ladies...


In life it seems that some people are great at some things and not so great at others.  Relationships are something that I don’t quite feel qualified to write or talk about as it has been one area of my life that has been a challenge.  Give me a half marathon, career challenge or friendship and I most often feel comfortable, able to manage and make something great of it.  When it comes to intimate feelings and relationships, I tend to freak out, get intense, focus on failure and mess it all up reliving patterns of the past.  I live in hope that one day there will be someone who can handle it or be able to accept my uniqueness.  Always learning from each experience but asking myself when I will overcome the pattern and reach a balance. I (as we all are) am a work in progress and all is not lost... What I do feel comfortable writing about is the journey of self love regardless of external circumstances. The ability not need someone else or material things to feel content or fulfilled but holding the intention that there is someone out there who is a match and accepts me just the way I am. I am not talking about a warm and fuzzy all positive life.  I am talking about a balance of the good times, tough times and the journey of remembering the philosophy that everything happens for a reason and where we are is right where we are meant to be, otherwise known as divine perfection.

Social pressure to live the stereotypical life (which is not right or wrong) of marriage, kids and conformity is not the fault of society.  A lot of people truly enjoy and love that lifestyle.  So when did it become what is considered the “right” way to live life?  The fact is that it is not always but often self inflicted pressure and judgement that can cause feelings of inadequacy and thoughts that there is something wrong with you if you aren’t doing what most of your friends are doing.  Let’s face it; the grass can always seem greener on the other side!  In the 21st century there are no rules.  We live in an age of opportunity and choice therefore allowing people to create the life they want rather than one of expectation of others.  So what do you truly want your life and relationships to look like?  Not based on someone else’s expectations, but based on your own true values, beliefs and goals in life.  For those who have not had strong role models for the type of relationship desired, or have not been exposed to successful relationships it can be a struggle to even paint a picture of a powerful relationship.  They say that you must first go there in the mind before you go there in the body.

“If you don’t know where you are going, you will fall into the plans of someone else” Dr John De Martini

As challenging as it seems and trust me this is easier said than done, accepting your current circumstances and being fulfilled with life regardless of your situation is so important.  You only live once so why not make the most of what you have in any given moment.  I am not saying be positive all the time as that is not realistic and overcoming patterns of the past can feel overwhelmingly negative at times. When keeping a positive outlook holding in mind the ultimate outcome, the obstacles can seem smaller and most definitely worthwhile.  It is said that acknowledging and facing your fears is one of the most effective ways of overcoming them.  Susan Jeffers said it well in her book of the same title “feel the fear and do it anyway”.   Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
What if you could see that there is nothing missing in your life?  You have all the love you need at any given moment and everything will work out in the end even if it seems it might not.  Can you always view the world through the eyes of the concept of divine perfection and that everything happens for a reason?  Probably not and there most certainly will be times when you feel a big gap in your life... but why not choose to see the light as much as you can for your own benefit and for the benefit of those around you.
So what can you do for you today to get clear on what you want, let go of attachment to it and have more fun and inspiration in your life?  What are the things that resemble loving yourself to you?  Go out and do those things and embrace each opportunity that comes your way.  Choose your dates and partner wisely knowing that you are magnificent, beautiful and perfect the way you are and powerful on your own and with someone else.  Seek help to overcome  patterns of the past and paint a realistic and powerful picture for your future.  Surround yourself with people who love and accept you the way you are regardless of your situation.  Give your life meaning and every day do something that makes a difference and brings light and inspiration to the lives of others.  With a powerful reason to live, you will really LIVE!!!
Enjoy the journey, including the pot holes in the road... they are all part of the big picture!!

Saturday 19 January 2013

Overcoming Addictions...

It is a fact of life that at some point most people will experience some form of addiction.  Whether it be food, alcohol, drugs, a particular person and the list goes on.  Consider for a moment what your addiction or addictions may be?  Is this addiction serving you?  What is the impact it is having on your life and those around you? 

This is simply a point of view and it is imperative that you seek help if you are experiencing an addiction. "A problem well stated, is a problem half solved".

This relates very much to the previous post on this blog called Behavioural Patterns that states "it's like hitting your head against a brick wall, knowing it will hurt yet you continue to do it over and over again and have no idea why.  Then you beat yourself up for continuing to do it".

The biggest thing that perpetuates an addiction is unresolved past issues and the guilt and remorse associated with not being able to take charge of the situation and feeling like a failure at times when you are not able to stick to your decision to change.  Therefore it becomes easier to continue with the addiction becasue of the dopamine (feel good hormone) and it becomes easier to not tell people you will change or make the effort to change to avoid the overwhelming sense of failure and embarrassment for not being able to shake it.  It is also a common approach in behavioural science that "what resists persists" or "what you repress you express".  This relates directly to the concept that when you try to push something away, pretend it's not there or cover it with over posititive thinking, it will often be the very thing that haunts you and keeps coming back over and over again. 

The thing about addictions is initially it can be a psychological thing where you find solace in an activity, certain behaviour or self medication with toxcic substances (including foods).  Then it becomes a physical thing causing an addiction to dopamine, spikes in blood sugar, an adrenaline rush and all up, on every level (at the time) makes you feel good when you may think your life is not good at all.  So then the process of breaking the addiction becomes what seems a mammoth, overwhelming task because your psychological and physical cravings are running our life.

What most people will try to do is get rid of things or a certain behaviour.  Getting rid of a behaviour would leave a gaping hole that would most likely leave room for regression and falling back into old patterns.  Always consider that it is imperative to reframe (create an empowering new thought pattern) your thinking and replace the old behaviour with a new empowering behaviour.  This can be a challenging task and be gentle with yourself as it will take gradual steps and new habits will be forged over time.

Ovecoming an addiction is a process and the day you begin to stop making it wrong, bad or mean you are a failure is the day you can focus that energy and attention on looking forward, creating what you want instead of that addiction and begin to pave a new pattern of behaviour toward the life you really want.  Do not feel pressure from others to change because a change made purely for you will be the change that is lasting and sustainable, but also remember that destructive behaviour does affect others, especially those who care about you. 

In society, the word "addiction" tends to carry a negative stigma to it when in reality, everyone is dealing with one form of addiction or another.  If you have what is labelled an addictive personality, then maybe you could shift the form of your addiction to soemthing that gives you the same dopamine hit while making you fit, healthy, occupied and happy??

Please ensure that if you feel you have an addiction, you seek professional help to deal with it and ensure you don't do the bandaid approach... ensure you deal with the deeper core past hurt, pain, decisions and thoughts that cause you to do what you do!

Love thy self!!!

Friday 18 January 2013

Loving Change..

If there is one thing that is certain in life, that is that things will change!  Different people deal very differently with change and this will often determine their lifestyle, attidude and the level of risk they are willing to take in life physically, mentally, emotionally, romantically and in their career.

The thing about change is that sometimes it can feel like it is your choice and other times it can feel like it has been forced upon you and you are left to pick up the pieces of a situation that you may have been attached to being the same for a long time.  I believe that everything happens for a reason and change is an indication that there is something better coming to me because of it.  But this doesn't change the hurt, pain and confusion of being in the situation where you are faced with creating a new future, that may look somewhat different to the way you originally thought your life would look or your mind defaulted to making it look.  It takes time to get your head around the fact that the movie of life you were playing in your mind just got axed either by you or someone else and then to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and begin to design a new and improved block buster.

Often, people will be in situations where they are unahappy and deep down know that to be who they want to be in this life they will need to make some change.  Is there a health goal you have?  Do you want to create, leave or improve a relationship?  Are you unfulfilled in your career?  It can be natural to feel overwhelming fear of the unknown and to take a risk and make a change.  And with change comes the uncovering of past patterns of behaviour, the revelation of what hasn't been working for you and the crushing truth that you may have been living for others, rather than yourself.  The fact is that change can be very confronting and the thing to know is that you are never alone in this and every single person on the planet has been challenged with making a change at some point.  The thing to consider is how you deal with it?  Do you make it the end of the world or do you consider the blessings and opportunity that are present and yet to come? 

Also with change, you will need to teach people how to treat you.  Others get used to you being a certain way and may even think there is something wrong with you for not doing what you used to do, or for going through the emotional challenges associated with change...or that you are upset at them because you no longer do things the way you used to.  Communication is the key when making changes in your life and people will either drag you down, get behind you or even come with you.  It's up to you to choose who you want to have in your life. 

Change is best made gradually, although at times it is dramatic.  Your unwavering commitment to creating a new future and goals will make or break your success and be gentle with yourself during times of setback.  Know what you want in life, be ok at times when it feels like you don't know what you want, start with the end in mind and and remember how great achieving your goals feels!!!

Change can be as good as a holiday!!

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Behavioural Patterns

Behaviour is usually determined by a combination of conscious and subconscious thought patterns.  The question is, are your patterns of behaviour working for you?  It is said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. 

It can sometimes feel like you are beating your head against a brick wall, feeling the pain and knowing that it will hurt and it won't get you what you want but you can't help but keep on doing it.  In reflection it seems silly and gets frustrating but before you realise it you do it again. You ask yourself why you did it again and get annoyed with yourself for being so stupid and then spiral into a negative state focusing on a lifetime of failure blaming the world thinking you were dealt a horrible life. 

What drives a person to do this?  Often it is because the person is not aware that there is another way or has not deleved into the subconsious to establish the underlying patterns of behaviour. Or you can see the pattern but have not made a decision or taken action toward paving a new path and pattern of behaviour.  You are the architect of your life and have the ability to create outcomes that work for you and are in the direction of what you truly want in life.

Nobody on the planet is immune to these patterns, the difference is what you do when faced with the inevitable challenge of an undesireable outcome.  Do you throw in the towel and think that it's your destiny to have a frustrating life of failure or do you take on the challenge, seek help and do what it takes to turn things around?  It is not always an easy task to realise that if you do what you've always done, then you will get what you have always gotten and to shift your focus toward success and having faith in your ability to create what you want.

Also consider that a negative pattern of behaviour has a payoff and can often be serving a purpose that may actually at some level be positive.  Sabotage or failure can be very frustrating but at the end of the day, you may be protecting yourself from something, or in your gut/heart know that something isn't right for you or the timing is not right.  Every relationship or connection is possible to redeem and every situation can be turned around.  Making things right or wrong or good or bad can be debilitating but being grateful for the experience and lessons you learn from old patterns helps you to find the gift in every experience.

Monday 14 January 2013

What is Love?

Often love is a romantasised concept that can be perceived as an all positive fairy tale.  My approach to love is somewhat similar to that of Dr John De Martini or Marienne Williamson where love includes all things, experiences and events both positive and negative.  It is not exclusive to a romantic relationship but is inclusive of all people and experiences.  Please hold in mind that no approach to anything is true, right or real unless you choose to take it on as your truth or belief.  This is simply what I perceive as an empowering approach to life that can help you to live with more inspiration and balance.

Have you ever known a person who has never felt sad, depressed, angry or frustrated who is always positive, happy and inspired? Truthfully, is it even humanly possible to be positive all the time?  Often depression can be caused by a shattered idea of how you thought things would or should be.   What if you saw each event in life as the exact thing you needed to experience to be able to truly love yourself and experience the true expression of your beautiful soul?  What if you had the ability to see the light in the darkness or a blessing in a tragedy? As difficult as it can be to do this, you are the one who has to live with your thoughts, feelings and actions.  You have one life and from the depths of despair can come the greatest gifts if you choose to see it that way.

Your focus determines your outcome and focusing on the positive while embracing the negative as an aspect of love can free you to be able to move forward in life, accept others just the way they are and channel your energy toward creating the life of your dreams.  Be sure to choose your inner circle of people wisely to include inspired people who accept you during all phases of your life and go forth and love and accept them and yourself just the way you are too!!

Speak Your Truth

So often in life there are many things that go unsaid.  What if you lived like there was no tomorrow and spoke up about what is true for you in love and life?  It can seem like a scary concept because of social conditioning and judgement of what is considered right or wrong in terms of the way we should be, how we should act and what we should say.  Who is to say what you are thinking or feeling is good or bad?  If it is real for you then that is the only thing that matters.

Some people may be able to handle your honesty and others may not and that is just perfect.  Witholding your true self expression can cause you to feel inadequate, awkward or resentful.  At the end of the day, every single human being on the planet has different values, assessing situations in many varying ways and making judgements through their own eyes based on past conditioning and experiences.  It is important to know that there are people out there who understand you, accept you the way you are and value your willingness to express your innner self and beauty.

Regret can be debilitating and taking a risk can be frightening but nothing ventured, nothing gained.  What is it that you want to say to your family, friends, partner or the world?  Is there a project you want to start that delivers a message or makes a difference?  Is there a special someone you want to know how you feel about them?  Do you have unsaid family issues that you avoid talking about that you know are holding you back in life?  Whatever it is for you, say it with power, confidence and the knowing that loving yourself comes first to allow those around you to love you too!!