Tuesday 31 January 2012


Living a life of unconditional love and never giving up on other people can be a challenge.  When do you draw the line in the sand in the way people treat you and what is acceptable to you when you are committed to loving no matter what and never giving up on anyone.  So often we can lose ourselves in this and forget that we need boundaries and know when to let go.  It is important to remember that everyone is teaching us something about ourselves and to allow the healing to occur naturally and gracefully.

Boundaries are important in our every day interaction with others as it let's them know how to treat you and is essentail to helping to grow your self worth.  If you do not have clear boundaries you will lose yourself and leave youself open to being walked all over and hurt.  It is important not to blame others when your boundaries are crossed but to get to know where you may have not communicated clearly in that situation that the other person thought it was ok to cross over into your emotional space. 

Sometimes you just have to let go of people who are not good for you or who don't understand your boundaries.  You deserve to have people in your life who accept you as you are and respect your boundaries as they want what is best for you and for you to have your needs met.  You deserve the best in life and being clear on your needs and boundaries will set you free to attract into your life people who care about your wellbeing and resepct your needs. 

Everyone comes across your path for a reason and it is important to see what that reason is.  Live and learn and move forward powerfully in life.  You are worthy and deserve everything you dream of!


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