Wednesday 4 January 2012

Letting go

When you know what you want in life, it is so important to let go of the attachment to it and allow it to come to you naturally and gracefully.  You do not need to chase after what you want or hunt it down.  All you need to do is know what you want, what you love and where you are going and take one step at a time toward your outcomes. 

So often in life we can chase dreams and aspirations and forget about the journey and the gifts that are available in each moment.  When you push for things to happen, you push them away.  When you allow things to unfold, you gracefully walk in the direction of your heart's desires and things will be attracted to you. 

The art of allowing is about being authentically you and letting go of the past that may be holding you back.  It is focusing on what you want while multi-tasking to get to the place you are meant to be.  When you are inspired and loving what you are doing, you will most likely not be attached to it and things will unfold toward your ultimate dreams.

So go forth and be clear on what you want, then let go of your attachment to it and allow what is destined to be attracted to you come to you with grace.  If you find yourself attached, know that it is perfect and everything happens for a reason.  Consider if it is working for you then make the adjustments in your life to suit your authentic self and ultimate path.


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